Membership and Training
How much is membership?
See our Membership page for more info.
What’s the format of the gym?
The Starting Strength Gym model revolves around small group training sessions to ensure that each trainee gets dedicated coaching and programming. The group format brings the cost of coaching down to make training with a coach three times a week more affordable. Sign up for a timeslot that works best for you. Get a guaranteed space in the gym at your designated training time. Show up, warm up, squat, press or bench, and deadlift. Finish by checking in with your coach to plan your next training session and log it in your digital logbook.
Do I need to commit to a set time-slot?
To train with a coach 3x/week, yes. This ensures you have a guaranteed space in the gym at a time that’s convenient for you. If your schedule does not permit training on a consistent schedule, 3x/week, you may want to consider Semi-Private Coaching once per week.
Do I need to train three times a week?
Yes, Starting Strength Gym members are committed trainees that train on a set schedule, only missing sessions due to travel, injury, illness, or another unavoidable reason. The process of training differs from exercise because it is planned in advance to achieve a pre-defined outcome. That plan is referred to as programming, and programming needs to be completed on a consistent schedule for it to be effective. Trainees commit to either a M/W/F schedule or a T/Th/Sa - at the same time each day to ensure that there’s adequate time for recovery.
What equipment do I need?
For day one, you’ll simply need shorts or pants that don’t impinge your range of motion - so that you can perform a full depth squat. If you wear shorts, wear long socks to cover your shins for the deadlift. You’ll also need a 100% cotton t-shirt and hard-soled shoes.
I want to train, but none of the available sessions match my schedule. Are there any other options?
Our small group training sessions are on a fixed schedule, but please let us know if you prefer another time-slot. If we get enough inquiries, we may add more availability.